How to get more referral for any money earning platform 100% working
I've seen most of them search in Google, Bing and other search engines like Ad clicking job, PTC job, Advertisement jobs etc and join any one of the PTC site without knowing what is that. And result of that is they will click ads for one or two days and they will forget about it in a week. Because they join PTC sites in a mind of earning hundreds of dollars. That is impossible without the concept "Referrals". The main and most important fact about PTC sites are referrals. You can earn nothing without referrals. Here let me teach some tricks how to join more people under you as your referral.
A referral is a person who is introduced by you or someone to a company or website for working/ buying something in that company or website.
- Many companies/ websites/ advertisers wants people all around the world to know their product. They cannot advertise themselves, so they approach advertising companies like Google adsense, infolinks, chitika etc. But they are very costly. So here comes the PTC sites like clixsense, neobux etc to help the companies with low budget.
- PTC sites help their advertisers to advertise their products world wide at low price. The ads given in the PTC sites will be mostly related to online jobs.
- Also in PTC sites members have to see the ad till the timer ends. So, advertisers are interested in PTC than CPC.
- To know more about PTC click what is PTC?
- Advertisers don't want the same people to visit their product over and over. So they demand PTC sites to advertise products to variety of people.
- PTC sites cannot find new members by themselves. So they added a new concept called referral, where they ask their members to introduce new members to their site.
- Will you or me work for introducing people without gain? The answer is no. So PTC sites pays you commission from the referral's earnings. Commission rate will vary according to the sites, from 10% to 50%. Some sites will pay you even more if you upgrade your membership.
- This concept is very much helpful for people who wants to earn online in part time. Some people don't go to regular work and they earn hundreds of dollars in PTC sites to run their family and life.
Here you can find few tips and that will surely help you to get more referrals. And remember the first and most important thing is patience. You cannot get hundreds of referrals from first day.
- When I posted this article traffic exchange was not included. But, after researching more about traffic exchange, I added this as number one best method for making some free referrals for any site. As, this is reality, easy, you don't need any special talent every one can do it.
- So, what is traffic exchange? Traffic exchange is exchanging visits, like if you visit someone's page you will get a free visit to your page.
- How it is helpful in building your down line? Visit other's page as much as you can and gain credits. The number of credits you've the number of visitors will visit your page. So, after accumulating some credits add your referral link. Let others visit your page. You will get a referral if the visitor sign up in that page. Learn more about traffic exchange.
- Earning credits is very simple and easy.
- You might get a direct referral for every 10 - 20 visits.
- This requires no investment.
- You don't need to work hard like starting a website.
- Despite of bad sign up ratio 10 - 30 : 1, you will surely get referral for free of cost. So, 100% success rate.
- Short term. You might run out of credits in a day.
- Every one might not get success i.e. few get 1 ref from 10 visits but most might get a ref only from 30 visits. So, you need some luck too.
- Buxenger is the best way to build your downline. With buxenger you can make hundreds of referral for no cost. Just download the software and follow these procedures.
- Join now - Buxenger | Free PTC app 4.0.
Watch this video:
- One touch registration process.
- Click all the ads from all the selected website using 1 button.
- Saves your ad clicking time up to 70%.
- Lots of timely offers.
- Best customer support.
- There is no disadvantage after release of new version 4.0.
- Male use of business social networks to make connection. A business social network is the place where lots of internet marketers and entrepreneurs meet. The usage social business networks are similar to the the ordinary social medias like Facebook with few terms are different.
- Create your profile and make use of the inbuilt tools to promote your business. Try to connect lots of top users and attract other to your business profile to produce good conversion. Although this might not work best for paid to click based programs you can give a try.
- Join today to get successful - Apsense.
- Best way to promote business.
- Meet lot of people with creative ideas.
- Beginner unfriendly, will take few days to understand the system.
- Need strategical learning to get succeed.
- This is the long term best and toughest way to get more referrals. If you succeed in this method you are the king and you can earn for generations without going to work.
- The main risk in starting a website is 95% people fail to reach their goal. So think twice before you start.
- Creating a new website will be more technical in that case you can start a blog with blogger or WordPress. You can reach more people if you use a custom domain.
- Once you start a blog or website start writing posts about the PTC site for which you need referrals and create a link with your referral ID like this join clixsense. If some one join the PTC site using your referral link, you will start getting commission from their clicks.
- If you can't create a website check out 9th method Guest blogging!
- Long term referral building i.e, once your website ranks more in search engines lots of new people will come to your site and you can make new referrals for life time.
- It's not easy as we think to start a website, it takes time and needs more concentration. You've to spend your spare time in creating websites and maintaining it.
- Making your websites to appear in first page of search engine is a toughest process. You have to learn lots of concepts such as SEO, SEM, SERP etc.
- Above all if you don't succeed by starting a website you'll become more frustrated. Waste of time, energy, money. It will make you to feel you're worth for nothing. I've heard this from many people. So, be 100% sure in what you are doing and you will reach your goal for sure.
- Yahoo answers is the best place to get free direct referrals. This works 100% and it was tested by me. Yahoo answers is the place / tool where lots of people used to ask questions to clear their doubts. Here people also used to ask how to work online as shown below in the image.
- Here most of them used to give unwanted, irrelevant answers to earn points. You can see some useless answers with no proof. So, this is the right chance to get more referrals. You have to find the questions like this and answer them with your referral link as shown below.
- Don't just post your referral link because they may not click your referral link or they may close the PTC site without knowing what is that. You have to briefly explain about it and then add your referral link.
- Out of 10 questions you answer, you will surely get result for 8. This makes yahoo answers the best referring method comparing to other referring methods. The only thing matter is how you explain them about that job. Spend few time to create a neat answer and paste it in notepad. And each time you log into yahoo answer find the questions like these "Help me to find online jobs" "How to get genuine online job" "How can I earn money online" and paste the answer you have prepared, its just simple.
- These kind of questions are mostly posted under Business & finance > career & opportunities > personal finance and some times in computer & internet categories.
- You can register in yahoo answer using this link : Yahoo answers.
- You can also try
- To know more, like how to work and other procedures. Click the link given below to open a special article about yahoo answers.
- Best method next to creating website.
- 80% success rate i.e. 8 out of 10 will surely join the site you refer them.
- Easy and simple. As you prepare answer for just one time you don't have to type to answer all the time.
- It'l take just 1 second to paste and 1 second to click post the answer.
Dis advanages:
- You should reach level 2 for your referral link to work i.e. until you reach level 1 your link will be just like a sentence and it cannot be clicked.
- So you should work hard to reach level two. You can do this in a week. Posting answer 2 points, best answer 10 points. So you should make 250 points to reach level two.
- This is the simplest way to gain more referrals. Post your referral link in your social media profile like Facebook, Google +, twitter etc.
- Don't create a fake promise like you can earn $100 per day or so. Tell them truth and if somebody joins using your referral ID, tell them how they can earn more.
- If you simply join referrals with false promise, you can only join referrals in turn you cannot earn anything. Because without any knowledge they may quit in one or two days.
- The main important thing is do not post your referral link alone. Explain what it is, some one could mark it as spam.
- Easiest way of referring.
- No waste of time and money. Posting takes just few seconds.
- This is not long term. Because you will have only few friends in your account. They cannot join again and again. In case you create a page it will work for years.
- Every one will not join seeing your post. Research says less than 10 out of 100 will join through social medias.
- You must be first of your friends. If one of your friend already done this process this will not work for you.
- This method works good for students than workers. Because students will be keen to join online job to earn some extra pocket money.
- Comment your referral link in comments section of websites. If you go to some website leave a good reply like 'good job', 'nice post', 'Thanks for help' and include your referral link as given below.
<a href="">Your comment</a>
- Replace "link" with your referral link and type like this "Earn online without investment" or something like this in 'Your comment' and click publish. Don't miss any symbol given above else you won't get a clickable link as shown below.
- Try to prevent posting comments in website related to jobs. Example: Because they won't accept such comments.
- Long term. Your link will stay in the website as long as the website is running.
- Simple and easy work.
- Few websites won't allow you to post such comments.
- Only 10 out of 100 people will give attention to the links like these.
- An forum, is an online discussion area in a website where people can hold conversations in form of posted messages.
- Join a forum where more people discuss things. Post your referral link over there at the right time in right place. Use the code given below to post your referral link.
[]Your message[/url]
- Replace "link" with your referral link and type like this "Earn online without investment" or something like this in 'Your message' and click publish. Don't miss any symbol given above else you won't get a clickable link.
- Example : Talk PTC, e money space, net business rating, get paid forum, PTC database, Dream team money, Earning palace, money maker group etc!
- Simple and easy to post in forums.
- You can meet lots of people and more chances are there to see your post than comments.
- Very short term i.e, your forum post will be seen not for more than a day, as most of them will post forum your post will be history even in minutes. So you gotta publish a new post for the next day.
People like to watch than read.
- You tube videos are the best way to reach more people. Millions of people browse videos in you tube.
- Many search you tube videos using query "online jobs". If your video appears on the page they may click and see it. Insert your referral link below and as them to click for registering.
- If you have good language make a tutorial or you can explain through onscreen non voice tutorial using word pad.
- Usually one or two video will appear in the search engine result. If you are lucky yours may appear and you will get thousands of views per day
- Very long term. Will work for generations.
- 100% result if your customer gets satisfied by the way you explain and create confidence that it is not a scam. If possible display your payment proof.
- Use keyword in your video topic that it can reach.
Dis advantages:
- Very tough to create a quality video, it will take long time to create one.
- You should wait for some months to see your video to appear in first page of the you tube results.
- Some time it may not work, so be cautious!
- This is the best method of all. It's equal to creating a new website i.e. using other's website to publish your post. Guest blogging is simple, just ask them can I write for you. Tell your topic and get approval.
- Once your request is approved you can write about something and paste your affiliate link there. This works very great!
- Publish your posts in many website so you will get hundreds of referrals in same day.
- Look at this - I wrote a guest post in I wrote 5 ways to earn online. You can see my affiliate links of clixsense and neobux under PTC job heading. You can also see my name and my website displayed at the end.
- Website with no cost.
- Long terms as long as the website is available.
- Best, easy one time way to create a website. You don't want to waste your time in creating your own website because it's very tough and 90% ends in failure. The website you are going to post will be search engine optimized SEO and they will have lots of organic traffic. So, you have chances to get hundreds of referrals from first day.
- Getting approval is some what tough if your post has grammatical mistakes, meaningless, copied etc.
- Very least chance of getting cheated. They will publish your post and they will not add your affiliate link.
- Finding good sites for guest posting is somewhat complicated.
- Send the PTC referral link through e-mails to your friends, colleagues, relatives etc.
- Give subject that attracts others like "Earn part time without investment".
- Copy your referral link "Example:" and paste it in the message area and type the message how to work. Now send the message, your message should be in such form that they should know what it is. Don't send mails blindly. Even though they join that site they won't work.
- There are some tools available in website to send e-mails to unknown people, but you have to pay for that.
- If you're the first person to start this among your friends, there is high possibility to get more referrals.
- Very easy compared to starting a website.
- Worst method comparing to above referral methods.
- This method works good for students than workers. Because students will be keen to join online job to earn some extra pocket money.
- Advertise your referral links in other PTC sites. Try to advertise in trusted old PTC sites like clixsense, neobux etc.
- Do not advertise the referral link of a PTC site in origin site itself. For example don't advertise the referral link of clixsense in clixsense itself instead advertise in neobux vice versa.
- Advertise your referral link for free.
- Long term, no manual work daily.
- You can add your referral link in paid to sign up offer (PTSU) with some conditions. You will have to pay the PTC site only if someone register using your referral link.
Dis advantages:
- You have to pay them in order to advertise your referral link.
- Chances are very less to sign up through link. Because nobody will care about what ad is displayed. They will immediately close after the stay time is complete.
- Post your ads in free classified advertising site like,,,, etc.
- You should not post your referral links directly here instead give a heading like this "Online jobs in Newyork" and give some explanation and display your e-mail ID and mobile no and ask them to contact you. If someone contacts you ask their e-mail ID send your referral link with some explanation. If you post your referral link directly it will be considered as spam and they will not approve your ad as shown below.
- Easy and free way to advertise.
Dis advantages:
- Your ad will not be approved is you do not follow the terms and conditions.
- Short term.
This is just an example how much you can earn through referrals.
Most of the PTC site will pay you 50% referral commission. For example: If your referral earns $0.01 from a click, you will get commission of $0.005. So lets us see how much money you can make.
If you've 100 referrals and each clicks 10 ads per day.
Earnings per day = $0.005*10 = $0.05*100 = $5.
Earnings per month = $5 * 30 = $150.
Earnings per year = $1,800.
So this is how you can make some extra money through PTC sites. You can get thousands of referrals if you work hard.
How to get more referral for any money earning platform 100% working
Reviewed by alpha
February 02, 2018
Rating: 5

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