Twitter is the second largest social media in the world next to Facebook. Twitter is not used by everyone who use Facebook as twitter is some what complex to use comparing to Facebook for starters. But twitter has more educated members with good knowledge. Twitter is the social media where important message are tweeted by politicians, celebrities, business man etc who have lots of followers. These followers are worthy and can earn money for you. You can use the following opportunities to make lots of money through twitter.
How to start:
- To do a business we need customers, same applies to the twitter also. We need lots of followers to earn money on twitter.
- Talking about followers they should be real and active, not bots. Followers from websites like are not worthy.
- Unlike getting fans and followers on Facebook it is very easy to get worthy genuine followers on twitter.
- To get more followers you should participate on discussions that are very trendy.
- For example participating on current political trends discussion, tweeting on news channels like CNN IBN BBC etc, tweeting about large events like WWE Olympics FIFA UEFA, tweets about big celebrities, politicians etc.
- While you tweet you should use the hashtags of the topic like #wwe #wrestlemania #windows #trends etc. Use username of famous people on tweets like @messi. If someone tweets you should use their username on reply with hashtags.
- If someone likes your tweet they might mark your tweet as favorite and may follow you. Followers like these are very worthy and can earn money for you.
- Getting followers totally depends on your tweet. Your tweet should be unique, different, informative, productive, attractive, related to the topic and discussion to get followers.
- Sometimes you might get businessmen, politicians, celebrities as followers seeing your tweets. This is impossible in case of Facebook.
- In my view politics discussion will bring you best followers. Tweet on politics news debates to get such followers.
- Now you might have got idea about how to get some worthy twitter followers. Now read the ideas given below and use it to earn money from home.
Various methods to earn money on twitter:
1. Affiliate marketing:
- Affiliate marketing is the best way to earn money on twitter. Affiliate marketing is making someone to buy a product and earning commission for making them to buy.
- To do affiliate marketing on twitter you need followers who can buy the products you recommend. This is not required in case of Facebook, learn how to make money on Facebook throuh affiliate marketing.
- You should be very active on twitter to do this. You should tweet something very interesting everyday.
- When time passes by people will expect for your tweets everyday. You should wait till you feel this.
- After creating trust you can start affiliate marketing. Join affiliate marketing websites like, clickbank, by creating account using your email ID. Now a days products are directly sold on twitter itself without going to the product page using buy button. Learn about how to sell products on twitter itself.
- Research what type of product your followers might buy and select the product which you're going to recommend.
- After selecting a product a special url with unique ID will be created.
- You should write a review about the product and also notify if you use them personally. At the end leave your unique url and tweet. People might buy the products you recommend.
- You should able to give a reply if someone asks doubt about the product.
- The advantage in twitter is if you use some hashtags it will reach lots of tweeters on twitter which is impossible in Facebook.
- Do not tweet affiliate links often. People might think you're a spam.
2. Sponsored tweets:
- Sponsored tweets is the company which pays money for tweeting, blogging, sharing photos and videos.
- Advertisers will pay you money for tweeting their product with their signature on your twitter account.
- To earn money using sponsored tweets you must apply to it using your email ID or social media account. After reviewing your twitter account they might link your account or may not link.
- The following are the basic requirements to apply. Your twitter account should be 3 months old, you must have tweeted at least 100 times and your account should have at least 50 followers.
- Approval will be based on the tweets you've made and professionalism. To apply click here.
- Few celebrities and professionals earn $5000 per tweet through sponsored tweets. This is because they have thousands of followers.
- Your earnings will be sent through Paypal payment processor. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100.
- To earn more try to get more followers and follow the rules of tweeting given by sponsored tweets.
3. Sell products:
- This is ineffective way to earn money on twitter and works for extreme professionals only.
- With lots of followers you can sell your products and eBooks to them. For example you can sell an eBook on "how to loose weight in a month", "whey protein product" etc.
- To start selling business on twitter you should have lots of followers on twitter. They should buy what you recommend. For example newbie might ask you for advice on body building product on twitter you can sell your product to him through relevant services.
4. Earn money using shortened links:
- This is the easiest way to earn money through twitter, you can use this method in Facebook also. How to earn money on Facebook using link shorteners.
- To earn money using link shorteners you should have tons of followers.
- Link shorteners will pay you money for showing ads to the visitors.
- To do this you've to shorten the link of a site and post it on twitter, when someone clicks it you will be paid.
- There are lots of ideas to earn money through link shorteners. Learn how to use link shorteners to earn money on twitter.
5. Sell services:
- You can sell services on twitter to earn money. Service is different from products. Photoshop editing, SEO, article writing, music creation, web development are the examples of services.
- To sell services you should create account on fiverr and link it in your twitter account. However this method works very good on Facebook compared to twitter.
6. Earn money by tweeting:
- You can earn money by tweeting others website, photos, social media accounts, products etc.
- Apart from tweeting you can also earn money by sharing, following, pinning etc
- To do so you should create account by clicking here.
- After creating account you can start tweeting right away.
- To earn more refer your friends. They 20% referral commission from your friend's earnings.
- There is a company which pays for researching the tweets. There are several categories in this work.
- The first one is finding sentiment of the tweet. In this job you have to read the given tweet and have to answer whether the tweet is positive or negative (related to the topic).
- The second one is finding the spam twitter accounts. In this job we should go to the twitter page using the given link and verify the tweets and answer whether the twitter account is spam or not.
- The third one is finding the related tweet. In this job a company name and few tweets will be given (example : Samsung). Our job is to find whether the tweet is talks about the company or just an normal tweet.
- The fourth one is categorizing twitter accounts. In this job a link to a twitter account will be given, we have to find whether the account is owned by an individual or an organization/company or a spammer.
- These are just the examples of twitter tasks. There are several more similar tasks which is very easy. To learn more read this article Micro jobs.
Key to earn money on twitter:
- Followers are the main customers, get more targeted followers as much as possible.
- Gain more trust from your followers by showing some professionalism. This is very important if you wish to start a business on twitter.
- Respond your follower in short time with some respect. This will create good relationship between you and followers.
- Don't use twitter as a business account. You will loose everything in short time.
- Do not post too much of affiliate links or ads on twitter. You might loose sales first and followers later.
Reviewed by alpha
February 02, 2018
Rating: 5

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